Step One : Cut a small hole through your fabric. You can use the tip of your scissors or an awl.
You need Embroidery floss, I usually use three strands at a time.
Starting from the bottom push the needle up through your fabric leaving about an inch of thread on the underside.
Now put the needle through the hole of the eyelet.
Continue making whip stitches all the way around the hole binding the edge.
As you sew the tail of thread you left will be incorporated into the back of your stitches so there is no need to tie a not. If there is any extra thread showing in the back when you are done just trim it.
I personally think handmade eyelets are lovely and much nicer then metal ones. Try to take the time and do handmade eyelets whenever you have the time :)
( Disclaimer) This photo is not the best example of a smooth eyelet. The thread kept wanting to sink down into the silk.